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You charge for your years of experience not the hours
Cheeky question I know! Deciding what to charge is always the trickiest decision when it comes to contract work. How do you set an hourly or daily rate? Are you overpricing yourself or coming across as cheap? Your rate will always be judged so I don’t think there is any real way to get it right.
As a contractor or freelancer you have probably spent years perfecting your craft which means you can probably do the brief in hand in a short amount of time. That doesn’t mean you should compromise on your hourly/daily rate because you think it won’t take as long, if anything you should charge more.
Why? Because YOU have put the hours in over the years getting to the stage you’re at now and your client benefits from this.
Your client is paying for your expertise that you have developed over time to help deliver their project. And this is your justification when questioned ‘That’s expensive?!’ ‘Yes Bob, that is expensive but you’re paying for 15 years of marketing experience.’ Of course you should always leave a little room for negotiation but never undervalue yourself, at the end of the day you still have a mortgage to pay.
Think about how valuable your time is; it’s something we never have enough of and shouldn’t ever be given away freely. Your time is just as important as the time of a CEO.